Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 18 - List some plans, dreams, and goals that you have

I've actually had a really tough time with the concept of plans, dreams, and goals this year.  It seems like whenever I make a plan, dare to dream, or state a goal, they don't happen.  Not for lack of trying, but because Heavenly Father loves me and has better plans for me.  But... it still makes me leery of stating my plans, dreams, and goals.  Here's my list anyways...

  • I know that I want to finish my pre-req's for nursing school, get accepted to nursing school, and then GRADUATE from nursing school.
  • I know that I want to get my bachelor's in nursing, preferably online while working as a nurse.
  • I know that I want to get my MASTERS in nursing, become a Certified Nurse Midwife, or a Nurse Anesthetist, and be able to pay off all my school debts and take good care of my family.
  • I know that I want to have this sweet baby without any UNNECESSARY interventions (the necessary ones are fine!) and hopefully sans epidural.
  • I know that I want to raise this sweet baby in a loving, and nurturing environment.
  • I know that (someday) I want to be able to be on my own with this sweet baby, truly on my own two feet again.
And... those are kinda my only real plans, dreams, and goals for just now.  I'll do my annual New Year's Resolutions post on New Years Day... :-)

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