Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future

Well... I'm not marrying this little person... but I'll definitely be with them in the future.  Yup.  Those little feet will be with me for a good long while.  And THAT is all you GET about THAT.

Because frankly... it's too soon after my divorce for me to be naming names, or speculating, or anything of that nature.  I can tell you that I won't be marrying anyone in 2011.  I don't have any plans for marriage anytime soon.  I can, however, tell you some characteristics of the man I hope will be that special guy...

  • He's gotta be patient.  With me, with my baby, with my family, with everything.
  • He's gotta be kind.  No guile allowed.
  • He needs to honor the covenants he makes.  He needs to VALUE the Gospel, and put God WAY above me and the kids.  If God's more important than anything else, all else will be fine.
  • He needs to be able to laugh.  At the silly things, at the stupid things, at the frustrating things.
  • He needs to have a good work ethic, and be willing to do the lame work if it's what needs doing.
  • He need to be respectful.
  • He should make me laugh.
  • He should open doors, because chivalry is only dead when we let it be.
  • He should make a good living, and be able to support a family.
  • He should be able to let things slide.  Pick his battles, if you will.
Those are the things I'm looking for.  Handsome as all get out, killer eyes, and "gives good hugs" are also nice... but not 100% necessary.  Just really nice to have.  ;-)

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