Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 28 - A picture of you from last year and now - How have you changed?

July, 2010
I was at my heaviest weight, I was pretty unhappy, I was not doing well emotionally... and I wasn't telling anyone.  What a sad me!  :-(  The cool part of this picture is that roughly ten years earlier, I was standing in this exact same spot... :-)  But I was WAY cuter that time than the time pictured.  DC humidity was wreaking HAVOC on my hair.  Normally, that was a cute little pixie cut, but the humidity turned it into a fluffy "mom" 'do.  :-/  Oh well!

December, 2011
I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm pregnant, and I'm looking forward to a new year with no mistakes in it yet!  I love my body and the amazing things it's doing.  I'm STILL a good 10-20 lbs lighter in this picture (with my 6 mo. pregnant belly, mind you) than I was in that picture from last year...  I got down to 125, my goal weight, right before I found out I was pregnant... and proceeded to drop down to around/below 120 due to morning sickness.  Don't worry, I've gained it ALL back now.  Lol!  And strangely enough, I kinda like the way I look... I don't want to keep this adorable belly around when there's no baby in it ;-) but I like it while Baby Bug's here.  :-)

Fact of the matter is, I've changed a whole heck of a lot in the last year.  I went through Hell... literally.  Rodney Atkin's knows what I mean...

That song got me through a few times.  But really, what REALLY got me through the tough times was the Lord.  I would NOT have made it without Him.  Divorce is awful.  Ask anyone who's been through one.  Not the plan, nope.  And it hurts.  And it's really hard to do when you're pregnant.  But sometimes, just sometimes, it's for the best in the long run.  Little Bug and I will be fine, and I know that for a fact, because the Lord has assured me of that on a frequent basis.

The funny thing about going through Hell, or a Refiner's Fire, or whatever you would like to call it?  You end up stronger on the other end.  :-)

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